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Employment Law for Businesses

At Paladin, we provide the full range of employment law services for business. Your employees are fundamental to the smooth running of your business. Such things as fraught internal relationships, poor performance, long term or persistent sickness absence and ongoing disciplinary and grievance procedures can severely impact a business – including your bottom line.

Your business may be going through a period of change, either with a reorganisation or selling/buying a business meaning TUPE may apply.

In any of these scenarios and many more we can assist.

Employment law services

Confidential information, restrictive covenants and team moves

Your employment contract should contain provisions protecting your business both during employment and, for certain employees, afterwards. We ensure your contract is robust and enforceable. Sometimes former employees may breach confidentiality or post-termination restrictions and we are on hand to assist.

Settlement agreement advice

In some circumstances a settlement agreement is the most commercially sensible option. If you need to exit someone from your business we can help with tactics, negotiations and of course the settlement agreement itself, making sure you have proper protection.


If your business is going through a change in ownership or service provider then the TUPE Regulations may well apply. TUPE provides protection for employees so their terms and conditions of employment are protected and they are not unfairly dismissed because of the change. It may also mean you inherit employees unexpectedly when you take on a new contract. TUPE is a potentially complex area, and we can guide you through it at every step.

Redundancy and business reorganisation

We provide commercial and comprehensive advice when your business is facing a situation where redundancies or a business reorganisation is necessary. Our experience means we help with both the planning and the execution.

Employment law seminars and training

We offer a range of training services to meet your needs. From updates on ever-changing employment law to more focussed training, such as how to handle a disciplinary hearing or any aspect of HR, we can help. Our training can benefit anyone from junior HR practitioners to business owners.

Disciplinary and grievance.

Disciplinary and grievance cases can be time consuming and costly if not properly handled, and ultimately could lead to an employment tribunal claim. If you fail to follow the ACAS Code of Practice, then this could lead to an increased award against you. Getting it right from the outset is fundamental, as is having in place the right procedures to handle them. Our expert employment lawyers can guide you through every step.

Sickness absence and disability

From managing repeated intermittent absences to handling long-term sickness absence, we can help. We can advise on whether (and how) you can fairly dismiss for capability, including procedural issues and obtaining medical evidence. If an employee is disabled we will make sure you consider such matters as making reasonable adjustments to help an employee return to work and avoid a disability discrimination claim.

Discrimination, equality and diversity

There are nine protected characteristics in the Equality Act 2010, including race, age, gender and pregnancy. It is against the law to discriminate against someone at work who has one of these protected characteristics. We provide clear and practical advice on how to comply with your legal requirements, get the best out of your staff and avoid costly employment tribunal claims.

Equal pay

Equal pay means that men and women doing equal work (in, broadly, the same business) should receive equal rewards. Pretty straightforward, but how do you achieve this to reduce the risk of a claim? We can advise on producing an equal pay policy, evaluating jobs and implementing a fair and transparent grading system. We can also provide clear advice where there is a complaint.

Gender pay gap

This is not the same as equal pay. The gender pay gap is the average difference between wages for men and women in a business. It is not related to the type of work carried out. Organisations with 250 or more employees are legally required to publish their gender pay gap information annually. It can also be useful for smaller organisations to review this information just as best practice.

Workplace conflict resolution and mediation

Conflict in the workplace can cost your business in terms of losing productivity, valued staff members and management time in dealing with it. A problematic working environment has a direct effect on the bottom line, and may lead to an employment tribunal claim. One possible method of resolving conflict is via workplace mediation, and our experts can help resolve even the most difficult situations.

Employment tribunal claims

At every stage we aim to reduce the risk of your business receiving a claim. If you have received an employment tribunal claim, please obtain advice as soon as possible as there are strict deadlines that apply for submitting your defence. When a claim does happen (such as unfair dismissal, discrimination or whistleblowing), we provide the best possible advice to robustly defend your business.

The above overlap with our dedicated HR Consultancy services, where we take care of such matters as Staff Contracts and Handbooks, Change Management, Employee Relations and Recruitment and Reward.

We are passionate about guiding your business through every aspect of employment law. We are hugely experienced and there really is nothing that we haven’t seen before. If you have an employment law problem (or if you want to make sure you don’t have a problem in the future) then we are ideally placed to help.

Market-leading expertise, underpinned by fantastic customer service, wholly dedicated to protecting and empowering your business.

That’s the Paladin way.