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Equality and Human Rights

At Paladin, we have considerable experience in assisting clients who have suffered equality and human rights discrimination. This has been on the basis of their age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership. It also includes pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation. Sometimes the discrimination is direct; sometimes it is indirect. Either way, our clients are subject to the same policy or practice as other people, but are disadvantaged by that policy or practice because of a particular characteristic.

We also use the Human Rights Act to challenge discrimination not covered by the Equality Act. The Human Rights Act allows us to enforce fundamental rights such as the right to private and family life, the right to liberty and security, and the right not to be discriminated against in relation to the exercise of these rights.

Claims across a wide range of areas

We act in discrimination claims across a wide range of areas. This includes housing, policing, local government, healthcare, planning, immigration detention and the provision of goods and services. We can obtain injunctions to prevent on-going discrimination as well as substantial financial settlements. We can secure justice for people in this area and fundamental improvements to the way in which organisations implement the Equality Act.

Examples include actions against the police for failing to protect women from domestic abuse, actions against local councils for failing to provide suitable adapted accommodation for disabled tenants, and actions against shops and transport for failing to provide access for disabled people.

We also have particular expertise in relation to the public sector equality duty: the duty to carry out public functions in a way which eliminates discrimination, advances equality of opportunity and fosters good community relations.

Using the law fearlessly to jealously guard and protect your most fundamental and sacred rights.

That’s the Paladin way